Friday, 26 April 2013

Feline friends

Ever since I was a kid I have always wanted a dog. But somehow I am now stuck with a cat. My tom is three, black and white and pretty big. Big like he can take on any of the local cats. Big but not fat - I wouldn't let him get fat.

I'm not one of those cat lovers though who have pictures of cats as their computer background, who go "aww" at the first sight of a stray and start talking to them like they understood human speech. You wouldn't have guessed I am a cat owner. I still want a dog. But I had a weak moment and took this one home.

He has the character of an unruly, boisterous teenager, which can be a real pain sometimes and I see why people have rejected him. He has a patch of black around his nose too which is not very attractive. But being led to believe you can expect to be loved and then rejected, that is the worse feeling. Not even a cat deserves that.

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